Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It features squads of three players and a variety of game modes for players to compete. The most recent release of the game features Season 22 Shockwave. In this season, players can drop into battle royale with the E-District map, see updates to the character’s abilities, and play new modes such as Revivals and Bot Royale.

As a QV Tester on Apex Legends


Design Feedback

I delivered insight on early features, modes, and maps from Season 17 to the recently released Season 22. I wrote suggestions for modes to be implemented and participated in the concept of an unannounced user experience. The process of delivering great feedback requires attention to how users will interact with the new features in a variety of ways. Capturing this through user stories and visual media helped convey the feedback to developers so they could make the necessary changes in time for each Season.

Bug Reporting

With a keen eye for detail, I would make note of issues and inconsistencies within the game to report later. The key aspect of writing bug reports is laying out the reproduction steps clearly and concisely. Through this process, feature owners could repeat the necessary steps to encounter the bug as consistently as possible. Outside of game crashes and system errors, I would report issues disrupting the player experience such as 3-D models clipping and unintended game behavior.


Through Slack, I would navigate a variety of channels to communicate with a large team of over 60 people. With the large size of the team, I assisted in ensuring information from management was heard by team members to avoid miscommunication. I interacted with a variety of departments from Level Design to Game Modes, providing them with vital feedback and details of the user experience.